“Every thirty-two seconds, a child in America witnesses his or her parent’s divorce.  And while divorce, even under the best circumstances, is marked by a range of emotions (disappointment, anger, hurt, betrayal, sadness, fear, and loss, to name just a few), research now reveals that HOW a couple conducts themselves during a divorce has far greater impact on their children than the act of divorcing itself.”
— Stu Webb - Minnesota Attorney & Founder of Collaborative Divorce

Our History

The concept of Collaborative Divorce was born in 1990 when attorney Stu Webb, then a family law litigator, made the decision that he could no longer litigate family law issues.  The reason he gave was that he could no longer live with his conscience or sleep at night knowing what was happening to families as a result of having their case heard in Court.  He reached out to a colleague to share his idea of divorce ‘Without Court’, and from there the grass roots effort began!  What Stu envisioned was a model where lawyers could not, under any circumstances, go to court over any issue. Lacking court as a dispute-resolution option, lawyers would have no alternative but to rise to the challenge of solving the problem. Today, Collaborative Law is practiced in all 50 of the United States and in over 24 countries.

This dignified concept was brought to Colorado in 2001 when a group of professionals from the disciplines of law, finance, and family systems saw Collaborative Divorce as a way to protect families and children from the lasting scars of divorce in the Court system.  The non-profit organization of the Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals was formed in 2001 and since then, the organization has trained hundreds of professionals and served several hundreds of families faced with the difficult life transition of divorce.

Collaborative Practice provides couples with the support and guidance of your own lawyers without going to court. Additionally, Collaborative Practice allows you the benefit of coaches, child and financial specialists all working together with you on your team.

Our Mission

Through education and awareness with the public, we promote Collaborative Divorce as a dignified resolution alternative.


Our Vision

 To protect children and families from the enduring life impact caused by conflict in divorce.


Our Board - Executive Committee





Past-Presidents Serving on the Board

Board Of Directors



Introduction to and Intermediate Collaborative Practice trainings; presentations held at Monthly Membership Meetings


Help CCDP thrive and expand to more practitioners around the state


Interface with marketing consultants, website, blogging, and social media content


Provides outreach to potential new members; retention of and mentoring to current members; socials


Seeks out potential Board Members

Practice Groups

Helps practitioners find or start new practice groups; help sustain practice groups

Email the CCDP President for more information about committees

Continuing Education - Our Faculty

At CCDP, we strongly believe that Collaborative Divorce is needed, and we strive to expand the number of its practitioners. We hold an annual training session of Introduction to Collaborative Law, and have semi-annual Advanced Collaborative Practice training.